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Have you done:
Your storyboard
BFI study day report
Prepared a couple of sentences on why you chose Warp as your distributor.
Uploaded your Prelim.
Made the notes for Eval.q.1 on the codes and conventions that you used.
Completed Eval.q.2 "How does your media product represent particular social groups?"
and posted it on the correct page.
Completed Eval. q.3 "What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?"
and posted it on the correct page.
Completed Eval. q.4 "Who would be the audience for your media product?" and posted it on the correct page.
Completed Eval.q.5 "How did you attract/address your audience?"
and posted it on the correct page.
Completed Eval.q.6 "What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?"
Turned the completed Word document into a YuDu to complete Eval. q.7 "Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?" and posted it on the correct page.
Have you used a variety of presentational platforms, such as YouTube annotations (for q.1), SlideShare, YuDu, Emaze, video, collage tools, Trello.....?
Do you know what you have to revise for the exam and where to find it?
You should use the class blog to study the
examination issues related to the film industry, learn the case studies, familiarize yourself with the examination questions and scrutinize exemplar student answers.
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