Thursday 23 September 2010


Introduction to two models of audience theory:
Media Effects model: the idea that people will simply copy things that the have seen in the media.
  1. The hypodermic syringe model
  2. Two-step flow theory
Read Media Knowall on audience theory
Read 'Ten Things Wrong with the Effects Model' by David Gauntlett Professor of Media and Communications at the school of Media, Arts and Design at The University of Westminster

Uses and Gratifications model: McQuail, Blumler and Brown (1972) identified four needs that audiences seek to have gratified by the mass media :
  1. diversion (we enjoy escapism, entertainment, release)
  2. surveillance (we need information about what is happening in the world
  3. personal relationships (we like feeling part of a social group; we feel companionship)
  4. personal identity (we explore and reinforce our values through comparison with others)