Monday 24 April 2017


Welcome back to the summer term. 
Your written exam G322 is in just over 3 weeks time on Thursday 18 May 2017.

Between now and then, classwork will involve consolidating our case studies for Section A (the institutions and audience of the US an UK film industries) and practising essays. We will also revise film language in TV drama. You should time yourself for practice essays done at home.

There is a list of all past papers on the blog as well as examiner's reports and exemplar essays which we will look at.

I will also deliver a revision lesson immediately prior to the exam on Wednesday 17 May. You are all asked to attend this session. I have also asked you to attend all media lessons unless you have study leave for other exams. Revision lessons with me in class are invaluable.

Clinics are also available in lunch break in White Cottage on Mondays.

Between now and the exam, you must ensure that you follow up all emails that I have sent you with advice about your blogs. Some of you have left huge gaps, or done low quality work, such as in the seven Evaluation questions.

All the work that we need to revise from, such as the case studies for the Hollywood film industry (Disney: Star Wars, Rogue One and Legend: Working Title and so on) are on our class blog.

Remember to incorporate your personal consumption and to cover trends, or you won't reach a level 4 mark.

We have done every exam paper set by OCR on television drama so you should feel confident, but do remember to be systematic:
  • TM, EG, EAA (the film language)
  • the focus (representations of gender, age, regionality, disability, sexuality, ethnicity)
From now on, the blog posts will not be posted every lesson as we will work from existing material.