Monday 23 January 2012

WHO IS YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE for your thriller film?

Today we looked at how to present Evaluation question 4: WHO IS YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE for your thriller film? You will complete this task this week, presenting your viewr profile visually, with a voiceover explaining its content. 

Is your product film or TV? Decide this first.
Research what other films your target viewer is likey to see. Are they Orange Wednesday customers?
What TV channels is your target viewer likely to see?That's where you will place 10 second spots, then thirty second adverts.
What else do they do in their leisure time? What social platforms do they use, where they are likely to come across other people who will influence their views, their cinema-going habits?
Age group? Gender?
Their new technology platforms?
What is their image: where do they buy their clothes, shoes, eat their food, accessories, type of car?
An original reader profile for a new music magazine from Kerri below:
by Kerri Snyder 2012

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