Friday 9 October 2015


What is a film treatment?

A description in the present tense of what happens in your film. Keep the language simple yet forceful and declarative. The purpose of the treatment is to describe the events of the story so that it can be visualized and brought to life. This should be done using the fewest words possible.

How do I write a treatment?

You need to avoid editorial writing when writing treatments and instead speak in an active and present voice. Similarly, you should avoid using words and phrases like

"Next we see" - Don't start sentences with "we see". Tell the audience what they see without introducing your sentence with "we see". 

Instead say:

"Mr. Bugz B and Mrs DJ Spinna stand toe to toe in front of their microphones. Mr. Bugz rhymes and misogynistic rhyme stating "we don't want no ugly girls in here tonight" to which Mrs DJ Spinna retaliates with a rhyme mocking Mr. Bugs unusually large ears. The crowd goes wild. Mr Bugz continues, but with less steam. The insult has touched on a vulnerable part of his identity."

(Source: Lights Film School link here. 

SAMPLE FILM TREATMENT courtesy of Movie Outline HER
Notice that the first time that a character is introduced, their name is in CAPITALS.

What does a film treatment look like?


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